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If you are thinking of a specific question to do with organising your photos...I'm confident we have covered it, or something similar, in one of our Episodes!
The website for the DIY Photo Organising Podcast is the place to go if you are keen to try a “Do It Yourself” approach to organising your photos. We talk about everything to do with your photos…about backups, Google Photos and Apple Photos, digitising your photos, and even how to work with your photos when it comes to exploring genealogy…we also cover topics like cloud storage, inherited photos, work photos, pet photos, and how to ensure your photos survive a disaster.
I love recording new episodes with Chantal. She is my photo-bestie! Head to the website and if you are new to the Podcast I suggest having a listen to Episode 33 where we cover the Highlights of the 5 Golden Rules of Photo Organising! We are on all your favourite podcasting platforms so please head to the website or do a search for DIY Photo Organising and you’ll catch us having a chat, a laugh, teaching, exploring and interviewing some fabulous guests…all about Photos!